22 June, 2015

Famous French People: Gustave Eiffel 法國名人 : 居斯塔夫·埃菲尔

Gustave Eiffel was a French engineer. 居斯塔夫·埃菲尔是法國工程師。
He made the Eiffel Tower. 他做了(﹦設計,製造)艾菲爾鐵塔.

The Eiffel Tower (from the bottom looking up)艾菲爾鐵塔從下面往上面看

Mr Eiffel made this bridge in Vietnam 埃菲尔先生在越南設計了這座橋

Truong Tien Bridge

Famous French People: Jacques-Yves Cousteau 法國名人 :雅克-伊夫·庫斯托

Jacques-Yves Cousteau made the first aqualung 庫斯托發明水肺

Now people can go under water 現在人們可以去水底下

They can make friends with fish and turtles 他們可以跟魚類還有海龜交朋友

Making friends with a seahorse (a seahorse is not a horse. It's a fish)

I'm hungry. Thank you!

Famous French People: Louis Pasteur 法國名人 : 路易·巴斯德

Louis Pasteur was a French scientist. He found that germs make people sick.

Doctors give children shots. Now many children don't get sick.

People pasteurize milk and juice (= make milk and juice hot). 人們把牛奶和果汁巴斯德化(讓牛奶和果汁變熱)。Now milk and juice don't go bad. 現在牛奶和果汁不會變壞。

This bottle of chocolate milk is pasteurized. 這瓶巧克力牛奶已經低溫消毒

Famous French People: Georges Méliès 法國名人:喬治·梅里愛

Georges Méliès: the first movie company in the world. 喬治·梅里愛:世界上第一家電影公司

100 years ago, a Frenchman called Georges Méliès made over 500 movies.

Georges Méliès, a famous movie maker 有名的製片家,喬治·梅里愛

3 interesting movies are A Trip to the Moon, the Black Imp and Cinderella

點這裡可以看整部電影:A Trip to the Moon《月球旅行記》(配音樂和旁白:對白是美國人假裝法國口音用英文講解,是很多年後加上去的)(電影是1902年拍的{=清朝,民前9年})

Some pictures from the movie電影鏡頭

A picture from the movie電影鏡頭

點這裡可以看整部電影:Cinderella (灰姑娘)

Some pictures from the movie電影鏡頭

France and French Things 法國和法國產品

This is Europe 這是歐洲
A map of Europe 歐州地圖

This is France 這是法國. France is in Europe 法國在歐洲
A map of France 法國地圖

Carrefour is a French supermarket 家樂福是一家法國超級市場

This chocolate is from France 這個巧克力來自法國
This is French chocolate 這是法國的巧克力
上面用法文寫 "chocolat noir"「巧克力」「黑」,就是黑巧克力
黑巧克力英文叫做 "dark" chocolate(=「暗巧克力

This tea is from France 這個茶來自法國
This is French tea 這是法國的茶
 上面用法文寫 thé vert」「綠」,就是綠茶
「綠茶」英文叫做 green tea